Seems our friends north of the border are hanging their hat (Canadian translation, toque) on the current administration’s push for mining on public land.
The word “domestic” appears 29 times in the Biden-Harris administration report.
Here is an excerpt from page 4 of the “Final Report”
“Second, the United States depends heavily on foreign nations—in some cases non-allied nations—to produce and refine many of the minerals that are in high demand and critical to our economic and national security. That dependence will likely increase in the absence of Federal leadership. Mineral supply chains, moreover, are vulnerable to disruption.”
But it continues….
“While the United States works closely with strategic allies who have robust mining industries, like Canada and Australia, the U.S. is heavily reliant on Chinese imports for many of these minerals in processed form. “
While Faraday clearly states…..
“Concentrates are expected to be sold to Asian smelters”
“All metal sales would be delivered outside of the U.S”
“The Project would use a third party outside of the U.S. for concentrate treatment and refining”
Am I living in a parallel universe?
168 page report below and PDF is also available here.
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