We understand the role of the CEO is to promote the company over all else. Here is Captain’s Paul’s latest self promotion. Below is an image of Faraday’s latest social media push, which can be modified by dragging the slider.
They continue with these additional details.

While Paul was presenting, so are 63 other junior miners.
Faraday Copper had the primo slot in room 2 right after a coffee break.

And while Angela is “speaking” at the event, she is not a keynote speaker as Paul claims.
She is on a 5-person panel that had the enviable 30-minute time slot on the last day just before closing remarks. We all know that point of a multiple-day conference when everyone has either left for the airport or wishes they had.
What is the panel discussing? “Community engagement and social license to operate.” Please control your laughter.

The full agenda can be viewed here.
What you will also notice in the conference schedule is that more time is allocated to every other aspect of junior mining than is allocated for community engagement.
It is also the last thing on Faraday’s agenda.
And also hot off the inter webs, the video of Paul’s presentation at “Energy Transitions Metal Summit”. More of the same old.
We think he even bored himself.
We will dissect the video in upcoming posts.

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